Friday, September 16, 2011

Nothing is Impossible

"The word impossible isn't part of God's vocabulary. It's a word we thought up on our own, and we think it carries lots of weight. But it does so only when we subtract God from the formula. If there's no God, the kind of God portrayed in the Bible, then we would have every right to think that there are all kinds of impossible things in the world." - from Your 100 Day Prayer by John I. Snyder


  1. This is so good and uplifting that
    I copied it into one of my journals.
    Of course I already know nothing is
    impossible with God but just reading
    the way in which the author said it
    really makes an impact. Thanks for
    sharing. I still need to go out and
    get that book.

  2. AMEN!!

    Have a wonderful week-end!

  3. you need to add that book to my blog post this week..we are getting a great list of books to read going

    So glad God is touching you through this book and His word

  4. I love that. There would be no point in prayer at all if we didn't serve a God of the possible.

  5. Great reminder and a truth to remember every time we pray. is there anything too hard for God?

  6. Such a great quote.

    I took a glance at that Apple Crisp further down you blog site. "Yum" is right!

    It's definitely Fall here in WA State. It poured off-and-on today, and this evening we've got our fireplace going. I'm actually enjoying it.

    A blessed week to you,

  7. Impossible is what I call a worry word. I read recently that to worry is arrogant, as if God doesn't know what he's doing. Though I tell myself not to worry, that nothing is impossible if it is in God's will, it's hard to let go of those things we try to control on our own. blessings, marlene

  8. "I rest me in the thought" (a line from This Is My Father's World). I rest me in the thought that NOTHING is impossible with God. Thanks for the reminder.
